Internet Safety

Protect your name, identity, and reputation.  

Things that happen online have real world consequences!

Think before you post or share.  If the information is harmful or fraudulent it may hurt somebody's feelings or be illegal.  Online crimes are punishable in the real world.  (If you bully somebody with your avatar the avatar won't get punished, you will!) 

Think about your digital footprint

Once you post something online you can't take it back.  It's out there in the digital world even though you may have 'deleted' it.  We are all leaving footprints in the digital world when we surf the net, text, email, download etc... 

Consider your audience.

When you post things online the audience is worldwide.  Just because you have a conversation between one person does not mean others can't or won't see it. 


Respect an individual's privacy when it comes to posting information, sharing photos and videos.  A person may not feel comfortable with pictures of them on the web even though you do.  Be respectful of others' feelings regarding the digital world just like you should be in the real world. 

.what?  What does the domain name mean?

.com indicates the website is for commercial use.
.gov indicates the site is from a government agency.
.edu indicaties the site is from an educational institution.
(The last part of the domain is referred to as the gTLD (generic top level domain).  This part of the domain provides information about the publisher; it shows us whether a school, university, government or commercial agency published the site.  There are many more gTLDs.  Familiarize yourself with all of them and you will be a more critical information seeker.  

Anybody can publish anything online...know the publisher and be a critic!